Nov 25, 2019
In this episode, Toby talks to Danny Diablo aka Lord Ezec (Crown of Thornz/Skarhead/Icepick) about growing up a mixed race kid in Queens NYC, having a police officer for a father, how graffiti influenced his love of music, being stereotyped, touring in different bands, family and much more.
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Nov 18, 2019
In this episode Toby speaks to long time friend Jamey Jasta (Hatebreed/JASTA) about his early life from booking shows, starting his first band, his longevity & career with Hatebreed and his podcast The Jasta Show, his turn to sobriety and balancing being a parent & touring musician.
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Nov 11, 2019
In this episode Toby speaks to Terror vocalist Scott Vogel in depth about his past bands and music career, growing up in Buffalo, hardcore's impact on him, the highs and lows of touring and much more!
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Nov 4, 2019
In this episode Toby speaks to long time friend, DJ & animal rights activist Moby. They chat about his growing up CT, hanging out in NYC and exposure to punk rock, the highs & lows of his music career, his addiction and road to sobriety and much more!
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